
5 Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction in Women

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  • 写的: 艾琳Wallner
5 Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction in Women

Thyroid dysfunction is a common issue, especially in women. 流行病学数据 suggest that some degree of thyroid dysfunction affects up to 10% of the population, with the disease being 5-8 times more common in women. 具体地说, thyroid levels that are too low or too high can negatively impact your health in various ways and potentially indicate the presence of something 更严重的. That's why diagnosing these issues is essential as soon as possible.

然而, thyroid dysfunction isn't like having a cold or the flu — it doesn't necessarily announce itself in an identifiable way. With that in mind, here are some of the most common thyroid hormone imbalance symptoms that can help you see if your thyroid is not healthy and put you on the path to healing.

5 Common Indicators of Thyroid Issues

These are some of the most common indicators of thyroid issues in women:

  • 体重波动

Suppose you suddenly 获得 or lose weight and can't figure out why. Your thyroid may be to blame. Hypothyroidism — the term for a thyroid that's underperforming — can lower metabolism and lead to weight 获得. 与此同时, an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can speed up metabolism and lead to sometimes rapid, 不明原因的体重减轻.

In the case of hypothyroidism, weight 获得 may be easier to overlook and may be as simple as the inability to lose weight despite trying. If you're puzzling over a weight change, don't dismiss it — primarily if it's occurring alongside other possible symptoms of thyroid dysfunction.

  • 心率的变化

Flagler Health+ Primary Care Physician, Dr. 鲁尼迪, 说, “The hormones your thyroid generates affect most bodily functions — including how your heart beats. 甲状腺活性增高? 心率加快. 甲状腺活性降低? 心率变慢. Especially with hyperthyroidism, you may experience heart palpitations or racing heart sensation that occurs out of proportion to activity.

Along with fluctuations in heart rate, you may note that you feel dizzy or unsteady at times and experience changes in your blood pressure or decreased exercise tolerance.”

  • 脱发

Hair loss is one of the more common signs of hypothyroidism. Sometimes, the hair on your scalp is thinning, and on your outer eyebrows.

Your hair can be an excellent indicator of a problem with your thyroid in several ways. Even if you aren't losing your hair, you may notice that it's become dry and brittle or begun to grow more slowly.

  • 情绪变化

It should come as no surprise that your hormones can affect your mood. That means if your thyroid is out of whack, your mood may be too. Depression can occur if significant hypothyroidism is left untreated for an extended period of time. 相反, women with hyperthyroidism may notice they suddenly feel more anxious and nervous without other explanation.

Just changes in mood alone are not enough to diagnose a thyroid issue. Partially this has to do with the fact that many different things can cause mood changes. 然而, a worrying shift in mood warrants a visit to the doctor 无论如何. If this change in mood coincides with other signs associated with thyroid dysfunction, it may help guide your doctor in the right direction regarding a diagnosis.

  • Fatigue and Poor Temperature Regulation

If you're always tired and seem to have cold hands and feet, thyroid dysfunction should be ruled out. Excessive fatigue and sensitivity to low temperatures are prevalent symptoms of hypothyroidism and often go together. Don't write off constant tiredness or needing an extra blanket as run-of-the-mill issues, especially if these are new or worsening and occur in the context of other symptoms of thyroid disease.

You may have noticed a pattern in the indicators we've covered: overactive thyroids tend to push other bodily functions into overdrive, while underperforming thyroids slow things down. 适合忙碌的女性, 上述症状, in addition to changes in menstrual cycles, 排便习惯, 睡眠习惯, 食欲, 和情绪, 很容易被忽视. But if you have any concerns about your thyroid health or are looking for answers to other common questions, 如, "Can low thyroid levels cause headaches?“不要犹豫,联系我 your local health care provider 今天.